When I’m sixty-four, it doesn’t look as though there will be much hope for my retirement. The Social Security system is failing fast as the baby boomers are slowly retiring. The main problems are these: the population increase rate has declined in comparison the baby boomer generation. The baby boomers are also expected to live longer lifetimes overall, and so shall we, by the time we are sixty four. All of these added up will leave us with next to no money for retirement. Now, there are other plans for retirement such as 401Ks and our regular savings but can they possibly cover the projected need for elderly citizens? On the upside, there are still medical programs such as Medicaid which can cover medical costs but food, clothes, and taxes are still bills we’ll have to face. Some tax breaks that would go to retirement funds are one suggestion, but I feel that the social security system should only benefit citizens who need it. Some people retire rich, and don’t need that extra help.
The elderly took care of us, so we need to take care of them. They’ve paid for our educations, they’ve raised us and loved us and we owe it to them to help pay for them. But how can we do that if we don’t have enough money to do so?
I think we should cut their taxes down extensively. We’re paying them wages with Social Security, some of which they give back in taxes, so why not cut the taxes down so we don’t need to pay them quite so much? If we can cut their costs we can cut ours. Hopefully the new medical bills will help lower the living costs for the elderly so they won’t need as much social security as they do. We need to start spending wiser, and cut costs so we don’t have to spend as much to live on. If taxes weren’t so expensive people wouldn’t need as many government benefits. If they could pay less on one necessity they will need less aid overall. We can make this work; we need a team of experts to diverse a system, which will then be handed over to the lawmakers to be translated, then brought to the Congress’s attention to be reviewed, then through the Court and the President. Something needs to be done, and someone in this country can figure it out, preferably not an actual politician to begin with. We’ve been in worse spots and survived. Let’s do it again, fight against a problem and win. America could use some more hope to wave our flag with.
It almost makes me wonder if our Mexican immigrants aren’t the worst idea in some respects. If we could get them legalized they could bring in more revenue toward our generations retirement. We need to bring more industry back to America so we can create more jobs and generate more revenue toward state projects. This period of unemployment is costing us way more than we can afford in state funded programs and a general loss in revenue and taxes. We’ve crippled our economy bad, so bad it affects the future funds as well as the current. We could well be in a worse place when I’m sixty-four and I may jolly well hike myself up into Canada and start living there if we can’t ever fix it.