Lately, politics has been the big news here. Election day was yesterday, November 2nd and we’ve seen a huge change in our House of Representatives. We’re faced with a gridlock; a Democratic president and a Republican House of Representatives. This could either be good or bad because either we’ll see nothing done or only the best things will get done.
Personally, I hate politics. I understand the importance, and I wouldn’t mind it from a strictly economical standpoint, but there’s a whole lot of other stuff that gets tossed in. Instead of getting things done we have to debate all of the moral aspects of things, and too much of it is based on how the politician will appear to the public. It’s not that the public isn’t important to politics, it is, but too much is spent on the politician’s appearance as a charitable individual with family values. The president is almost expected to attend community things and charity organizations which limits their time to work on solutions for our problems. Doesn’t that seem silly?
Political commercials too! I really hate political commercials because none of it is based on fact, all of it is just to slenderize an opponent or promote the literal image of another candidate. No one actually says anything about plans for the country, and if they do it’s very vague without any real plan of action. Take “I will cut taxes!” for example. Well we have a lot of different taxes like state taxes, property taxes, and income taxes. Or “We will cut government spending!” On what? The government spends a lot of money in different places. Defense spending and public projects are just a few examples. They might just cut government spending by lowering benefits to the WIC program. Is it too much to ask for a little clarity in politics?
The endless moral debates revolving around the Constitution are a pain too. I know that we all may not support gay marriage, but it is not the government’s place to say that it is wrong or right. Does it actually hurt lives? No! No one is injured by the act of gays getting married unless they form riots outside the newlywed’s house. I don’t care who wants to protest them getting married, it is not the government’s place to say. So instead of wasting time arguing about gay marriage can we focus on the recession or maybe even the war? Please?
Also to attack some of our voters; don’t vote solely because you belong to one party or the other! Just because someone belongs to the Republican party doesn’t make them a wonderful person for the job. Consider what the policies of the person are before you vote for them.
Tia, it's me, Savanna. I'm on my old, old, old, old, old, OLD blogspot account that I never use! I'm following you! BTW, my AP Lang blog is It's absolutely empty right now. But still, it's there. And I'm reading all of you old posts like the stalker I am. :D