It's slowly getting more and more ridiculous. Police exist to protect the people from criminals above all else. They are not a source of revenue for the city and they are not a Triple A service either. So why is it, when a family's Christmas is stolen and the father has located the thieves with a cellphone satellite that they can do nothing? (
I read this article yesterday and it only made me sick. He KNEW where the perpetrator was and the police still couldn't respond due to weather related calls and being understaffed.
So tell me this: Why are the police understaffed? The city is making tons of revenue off of their ridiculous speed trap cameras ($75 for going 3 miles above the speed limit!)( and they can't at least hire more cops?
Well no, they've got to build a new supercenter to attract tourists instead, which hardly seems feasible. Who would want to go to a city with speed cameras and stop light cameras right and left? I'd rather not; supercenter or no. Iowa City is far more worth the visit, and no speed cameras to nail their tourists with.
So citizens are less safe because obviously they don't have enough cops, citizens are being robbed of their money for under five miles an hour above the speed limit, and citizens are being molested because they may have hidden bombs in their panties. Lovely. What a great country this is sometimes. Makes me wonder if I actually should buy a gun.
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