Rising Phoenix

Rising Phoenix
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a serious problem, people! Not only can it kill you, it’s one of the worst things to get that isn’t traditionally fatal. I ate some bad Chinese once and got sicker than I’ve ever been. I spent the whole night emptying out and spent the following day sleeping on the couch because every limb in my body hurt. Sure, it lasted two days, but those were two days of total misery the worst part being it could have been fatal. Ok, ok, maybe I’m over-reacting but people have died from food poisoning. In the movie Food Inc, they follow a woman who lost a perfectly healthy little boy to food poisoning. In the USA, so don’t think this is some third world country and it’ll never happen to you. But why take the risk? Fight for stricter food laws. This is not ok. There should be more regulation for our safety.  I could either spend two days in misery or be dead. Neither looks promising. Stop this nonsense and stop contaminated food from even happening.  

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