Rising Phoenix

Rising Phoenix
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Actually I Did Want a Pickle Mr. Guthrie...

As I sit at my desk, and enjoy some pickles, I began to think about where pickles came from. I do know that they’re pickled cucumbers and that their pickled in different vinegars and etc, but who got the idea to make such a wonderful thing? According to the New York Food Museum, it all began in 2030 BC, along the Tigris River.
That’s pretty incredible. My first experiences with the pickle come from my mother and her friends. Now, my mother was friends with several ladies from her work and she often brought me, as a small child, to be adored by her friends. She called them my Aunt Holly, Aunt Tracy, and Aunt Jean, and so on and so forth confusing me about my relatives for years. It was Aunt Holly, however, who gave me my first pickle. It was a sour pickle, of the dill variety, that made me scrunch my face as if I’d taken a bite out of a lemon. They all had a good laugh, as one does when children try new things and horribly reject them. But, surprisingly, once the laughter died down, I wanted another one. And thus my love of pickles began.
It is however, important to note, when I say pickle I mean the dill kinds. I don’t like sweet pickles, and I really don’t like the kinds they serve in Perkins or Denny’s. I only like the Polish or Kosher kinds, the others all taste phony and I feel tricked for trying to eat them. It is as if the pickle is saying to me, “Ha! You thought you’d get salty, delicious perfection, but no! I’m a strange kind of sweet you’re not sure you like!” Because I have this preconceived notion of what pickles ought to taste like and those pickles don’t fill the requirements. And thus I don’t like them because they don’t taste “right”. I think it has to do with them being very different than the pickles I like, and thus coming off as strange and wrong.
But still, pickles are great, so great, you can buy them as a side. Yes, you can buy pickles as a side, as if they were a salad, or mozzarella sticks. That’s how good they are. They come wrapped in paper, at a fair or amusement park, and they’re whole pickles, unlike the vertical or horizontal slices one typically sees. These pickles are my ultimate favorite because they’re more salty than most pickles. What kind of pickles do you like best?

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