Rising Phoenix

Rising Phoenix
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Friday, April 22, 2011

War Mongering?

An interesting question was presented to me the other day. I was asked if I would try to negotiate with the Taliban. I actually said no. I surprised myself, because usually I’m all for peace and understanding. But something deep down inside of me said no. It’s not that I want to fight, necessarily, it’s just everything I’ve ever heard about them makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I just get one big madman vibe from them. The last time I got a similar vibe, Terry Branstad was elected to Governor of Iowa and he immediately began butchering our budget. The people are arguing against him, because all of a sudden, he’s cutting the funding for everything, including education. I won’t even get into the details about why I think he’s making some very bad decisions but I will say this: There’s a reason we fund these things in the first place. But anyway back to the Taliban. I’m not in the war, nor do I know anyone who is, but I don’t think they’d approve either. Sal Giunta fought extremely hard to recover a body and a few men from the Taliban because he knew what horrible things they’d do to his friends. They believe they are at war with Christians over something that happened in the Middle Ages. I just feel like they’re completely nuts, and there’s no point in even trying to negotiate with them. That doesn’t mean I thought we should have gone after them, quite the opposite. I believe that we should have merely tightened our defenses instead of attempting to find them out there. We might’ve sent in special agents, but sending in the army is kind of a mistake.
It’s different than fighting the French or something. The French we could reason with and solve civilly if we work at it but the Taliban are mentally unstable Islamic radicals. Radicals of any religion are never good, and these are particularly crazy.
But we can’t just back out now because those who died to win this battle will have died in vain. Can you look their loved ones in the eyes and say that they died for nothing because we gave up destroying what would destroy our whole country? I wouldn’t be able to. So, yeah, it’s miserable, but we’ve got to stay there and finish what we started or risk our reputation, our morale, and most of all, our people. Let’s defend the US, not try to make a deal with someone who’s not right in the head.

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