Rising Phoenix

Rising Phoenix
picture from google

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Truth About Red Pandas

     Recently we had a project in my Powerpoint Multimedia class that was about getting to know our classmates. In order to do so, we asked them questions such as 'what is your favorite animal?'. Now I know my animal is a little unusual but you could stand to do a little bit of research you know. My favorite animal is a red panda, and no, it is not big, black, and white. Or even a bear. They look more like raccoons although they're often called fire foxes, and yes, that is where the web browser name comes from.
        Ailurus fulgens, or the Red Panda come from the Himalayas. Their population is pretty small, estimated at 10,000 mature individuals. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_panda) I know of one zoo that has them, Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.
        I like them because they're really fluffy, have cool colors, eat bamboo (which is why they're called pandas), and they have rings on their tails. Very cute. I've loved them ever since I learned they existed. They're really fun and cute. I would have one for a pet if I could.

What's not to love?


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